20.30 Mickey 17
This is a completely original, genre-defying cinematic experience from Oscar-winning director Bong Joon Ho. As with Parasite, this is a thought-provoking film that is simply a must-see. Along with an exceptional cast, we have not one, not two, but several Robert Pattinson's starring as Mickey, who finds himself in the unique situation of working for an employer who demands maximum work commitment... he even has to die to make a living.
13.30 Vandráci na ostrově lidojedů
Tři kamarádi, Vandráci Pavel Liška, Honza Révai a Hynek Bernard, vyrážejí na svých motorkách vstříc divokému ostrovu Papua Nová Guinea. Jednomu z nejméně prozkoumaných míst světa, kde donedávna platily některé domorodé kmeny za obávané kanibaly. Cestou za dobrodružstvím je doprovází zkušený cestovatel Miloslav Stingl – anebo je to jen dřevěná loutka? Uprostřed magické džungle, kde se ztrácí hranice mezi snem a realitou, si musejí dávat velký pozor, aby se domů vrátili opravdu všichni.
14.00 The Brutalist
When a visionary architect and his wife flee post-war Europe in 1947 to rebuild their legacy and witness the birth of modern United States, their lives are changed forever by a mysterious, wealthy client.
15.30 EOS: Van Gogh – Lovers & Poets
Van Gogh's revolutionary artistic style during his years in southern France, where he transformed reality into vibrant, symbolic imagery through a passionate creative process focused on storytelling in his paintings.
17.30 Home Is the Ocean
What if you could live your dream and sail the world while saving it at the same time? For a Swiss family of 8, this is not just a mere fantasy, but reality. 20 years ago, the parents set sail to raise awareness about climate change, conduct field-based research in the world's most remote regions and inspire youth to save our planet. The filmmaker accompanied the family for seven years and documented against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes how the Schwörer's, with six children in tow, are challenging conventional norms of education, home, safety, and relationships. Until a storm…
18.00 Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
Bridget Jones navigates life as a widow and single mom with the help of her family, friends, and former lover, Daniel. Back to work and on the apps, she's pursued by a younger man and maybe - just maybe - her son's science teacher.
20.00 The Impossibility
Director Tomáš Hlaváček has long focused on the poverty industry and decent housing for those living in substandard conditions. Here, he explores these topics from the perspective of the residents of Brno’s “Kuncovka” flats. Several Roma families are bullied by the arrogant landlord who randomly cuts off their water and power and openly displays his racism. The police and the city aren’t able to take meaningful action. Only thanks to the initiative of activists and lawyers does the months-long dispute end up in court. This detailed chronicle of the frustrating struggle shows how uncertain…
20.30 Mickey 17
This is a completely original, genre-defying cinematic experience from Oscar-winning director Bong Joon Ho. As with Parasite, this is a thought-provoking film that is simply a must-see. Along with an exceptional cast, we have not one, not two, but several Robert Pattinson's starring as Mickey, who finds himself in the unique situation of working for an employer who demands maximum work commitment... he even has to die to make a living.